Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Grandma's house

We had a great Thanksgiving break at Grandpa and Grandma's with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Laura. Chet was BUSY the whole time...hunting rabbits with grandma, harvesting corn with grandpa, playing hide-n-seek with Aunt Laura, shopping in Des Monies at midnight, and much more! Here are a few pictures...
Harvesting Corn with Mitchell

We were all a bunch of fireballs after staying up all night the night
before shopping...Crazy, but lots of fun!

Hide-n-Seek in Grandma's Pantry

Thank you for everything Grandpa and Grandma! We can't wait to see you again!


Lisa McConnell said...

Lots of fun times and pictures! I really want to hear about the shopping trip!!! And how did you get the guys talked into that? I definitely need some pointers!

Jeanette said...

I love to look at your blog when blog hopping.

Your boy is a cutie!